A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.
I’ve tried to find the original author of this quote, but its provenance seems to be disputed. One source says it’s from The Pioneer Girls Leaders’ Handbook. Another attributes it to an author named Donna Roberts. All I know for sure is that the words resonate with my heart.
I’ve been blessed to have amazing friendships with women who epitomize the quote above, and I can only hope that I am one of those friends to them. Moving across the country from those friends has been one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. Perhaps because I’m getting older and change doesn’t come as easily as it did when I was young and fearless.
My strength and solace during this time has been the knowledge that my sweet husband and I followed God’s leading in moving back to the town where I grew up after living in Oregon most of my adult life. He didn’t promise it would be easy, but He did promise that He would provide. One of the best things He has provided is the creative process of painting, which keeps me busy, lifts my spirits, and also gives me an outlet for expressing my heart. I hope you enjoy this one. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
My prayer for you today is that you are blessed with amazing friends who sing the song in your heart to you when your memory fails.
